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Antara kursus IOT ESP32

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1 WiFi 30 Grove Ultrasonic
2 Output Buzzer 31 RC Remote
3 Output LED 32 RFID Reader
4 Input Push Button 33 Mifare RC522
5 I2C LCD HD44780 34 Mifare SL025M
6 I2C OLED 35 HuskyLens
7 TFT ST7735 36 MicroSD Card
8 Sensor Microwave Motion 37 DC Motor
9 ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) 38 Servo Motor
10 Capacitive Touch Read 39 Stepper Motor
11 Sensor Gas 40 OTA (Over-The-Air)
12 MAX7219 Dot Matrix 41 ThingSpeak
13 Nextion HMI 42 Blynk
14 E-Ink 43 Arduino IOT Cloud
15 Bluetooth 44 Favoriot
16 ESPNow 45 Google Sheets
17 LoRa SX1278 46 Google Firebase
18 GSM A9G 2G 47 Timer
19 GSM SIM7600 4G 48 Deep Sleep
20 Web Server 49 RTOS (Real-Time Operating System)
21 NTP Clock 50 EEPROM or SPIFFS
22 http Request 51 Fingerprint Scanner
23 MQTT Client 52 Barcode or QR Code Scanner
24 Web Socket 53 GPS Receiver
25 Telegram 54 DFplayer Mini MP3
26 WhatsApp 55 Modbus Temperature Humidity
27 Sensor DS18B20 56 Modbus Soil Integrated
28 Sensor DHT22 57 Modbus Energy Meter
29 Ultrasonic HC-SR04

Project Proof Of Concept

No Tajuk
1 Robot Sumo
2 Clock Dot Matrix Signboard 32X8
3 Weather Signboard Dot Matrix 64X8
4 Push Button Send Notification Telegram
5 Push Button Send Notification Blynk
6 RFID Mifare Notification Telegram
7 RFID Access System
8 RFID Tol System
9 Mifare / RFID Topup Card
10 Motorcycle Security and Tracker

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